3 Things That You should be Doing in Free Time

3 Things That You should be Doing in Free Time - Gifts for Card Players

3 Things That You should be Doing in Free Time

Sometimes spending time can be a little difficult task. The modern-day lifestyle has no space for saying “I’m bored out of my mind”, given the access to the things that we have. This year has been a great challenge to all of us. The Covid-19 has forced us to stay at home and lot of us are working from home. Some of us unexpectedly are having a lot of free time and many are making a mess of it.


Old school goes new school: the digital transformation of board games

Old school goes new school: the digital transformation of board games - Gifts for Card Players
Do you remember those times when a game night with your fellow Monopoly lovers was an actual thing? Gathering all together, sipping soda, chatting, perhaps insulting each other over that extra six cards in Uno. But those were the times.

The Future of the Gaming Industry

The Future of the Gaming Industry - Gifts for Card Players
Gaming is part of everyday life. Many people have a laptop or desktop computer that gives them access to lots of online games. Here we’ll take a look at what video games in 2030 may be like.

The New World of Long-Distance Game-play

Long Distance Game-play - Gifts for Card Players
One of the biggest advantages of card and board games is the social aspect. But this highlights an interesting issue: in the modern era it's much more common for people to move away and live apart from their families, so playing in person happens rarely. Using modern solutions however, this separation can be a thing if the past.

These pencils could make you sharper, calmer and more focused

Simon Lucas Bridge Supplies
You may remember in school always getting in trouble for doodling during class. It was commonly thought that doodling meant that you weren’t paying attention. But did you know that science has proven that doodling actually promotes focus and clears the mind, creating pathways for better learning?