2020 Gifts and Gadgets: For the Card Player Who Has Everything

Gifts and Gadgets: For the Card Player Who Has Everything

By Alex J. Coyne © Great Bridge Links

We all know that one card player who has everything you could possibly think of: The latest issue of all the greatest card magazines, every card deck that was ever created – yes, including the one you thought of buying them last week. Or maybe that one card player happens to be you. Here are our recommendations for gifts and gadgets to buy the player who has everything…

For the Bridge Player

You can never go wrong with a subscription to a great bridge magazine. For newer players, Audrey Grant’s Better Bridge Magazine is wonderful. And for the advancing and expert players, The Bridge World is a must. For our friends overseas, there are other options to. This article on Great Bridge Links lists magazines and more.

Card Apps

Weird and fun apps make a great gift companion, and some of these are free! Take a look at Card Playing Apps on Google Play,  Bicycle’s How to Play app . If you’re looking for a great bridge app, our sister site Great Bridge Links has a page of contract and duplicate bridge apps, click here.

A Course in Card Throwing

In our humble opinion, card throwing is one of the most bad-ass skills a cardistry ninja can pick up. Rick Smith Jr. is the current Guinness World Record for card throwing, and you can purchase his course “Velocity: High-Caliber Card Throwing” from Amazon.

Golden Playing Cards

For serious high-stakes players, you can buy 24 karat gold foil playing cards – for less than you’d think – from  Amazon. Of course, ensure you’re buying the real deal and insist on a certificate with your purchase.

Customized Playing Cards

Customized playing cards are available to order from PlayingCardsNow through Amazon: The decks are poker-sized and these make a perfect gift for a special occasion – and you can be one hundred percent sure the player won’t have a similar deck in their collection already! And while you’re personalizing things, personalizationmall.com offers personalized wooden card boxes.

The Developer’s Card Deck

Know someone who happens to be adept at coding? Consider buying them this super cool developer’s card deck – yes, this is something that’s only going to make sense to game developers, but we’re sure there’s a Venn-diagram connecting developers and card players of the world.

The Classic Card Decks Set

If you know someone who is new to card tricks or already an experienced practitioner of card magic, get them the Classic Card Decks set from Magic Tricks.com. It comes with five of the most popular trick decks.

Really, really giant playing cards

We’ve all seen large-print playing cards, but for those who are thinking of going a little bit larger, check out these huge A4-sized playing cards 

Insight by Hugo Shelley

How about a card deck that connects to an RFID reader and a smartphone app? Insight by Hugo Shelley is said to be the defining ‘trick’ behind many card ‘tricks’ and we’d say it’s a system that should be kept far, far out of casinos – but is exceptionally useful for practitioners of magic. According to the website, the chips are built into the cards, and they can still be shuffled just like you would any other deck of cards. That’s some really high-tech stuff. Check it out at Elusionist.com.


What do you get the card player who seems to have everything? Of course, this website has many ideas – check out our Novelty, Wearables and Jewelry sections.

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