An Introduction to Cardistry: 4 Simple Tricks and Resources for Beginners

How to do cardistry Gifts for Card Players
Cardistry is an exciting way to express yourself creatively while mastering complex moves involving playing cards - from simple flips to intricate shuffles - all designed around creating visually stunning performances that will leave onlookers stunned!

10 Best Solitaire Games For PC That You Cannot Miss Out On

10 Best Solitaire Games For PC That You Cannot Miss Out On - Gifts for Card Players
While usually, Solitaire is played using a physical deck of cards, you can now play them on the screen of your computer! Solitaire games for PC are the ideal pastime to keep you occupied when you're wanting to kill time while on your own, no matter how you decide to play them. If you’re bored or simply itching to play a card game without needing other people, Solitaire can help us in those situations. They provide us with many benefits too, spanning the gamut from absolute skill to dumb luck and everything in between!

Playing Sevens for Cheap Prizes on Christmas is Better Than Watching TV

Family playing cards at Christmas
The pile of prizes we had were bought from a pound store and were things like lip balm and ballpoint pens. They were wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. This created an extraordinary effect. I imagined that they were much more than they were, despite being told that nothing cost more than a pound.

Relieving stress by playing solitaire

Relieving stress by playing solitaire - Gifts for Card Players
Solitaire is a game that has been enjoyed by people for hundreds of years now. You would believe that people have just been killing time by playing solitaire, but there are really many mental benefits to be gained from doing so.

Is Playing Card Games Good for You?

Is playing card games good for you? Great Bridge LInks
People from all over the world play card games primarily for one reason — it is a fun thing to do. However, playing card games is much more than just a simple way to pass your time. It can also be an effective brain exercise and a method to improve your life.

6 Free Solitaire Apps That Pay Real Money

6 Free Solitaire Apps That Pay Real Money - Gifts for Card Players
Although many free solitaire apps are free, some power users will need to pay a few dollars to gain an advantage. These power users may also be distracted by the constant ads, which can be irritating and distracting. So, what can these users do to make money on these games? Listed below are some of the best free solitaire apps to download.

How has digitization been transforming card games lately?

How has digitization been transforming card games lately? - Gifts for Card Players
Playing cards is centuries and even millennia-long human entertainment. Some researchers trace the first form of card play to ancient China. However, the real boom of the card games came in the last century or two with the emergence of wildly popular games like Poker, Blackjack, rummy and UNO. Those card games reached global popularity and attracted millions of fans.

Which Card Game is Hardest to Master?

Which Card Game is Hardest to Master? - Great Bridge Links

Which Card Game is Hardest to Master?

Card games have always been hugely popular because they are easy to pick up and play. You don’t need to invest in a lot of equipment – just a deck of playing cards – so they’re perfect for almost any situation. And there are hundreds of different games to choose from, including games that the whole family can play and games that you can play by yourself.


Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should Play Card Games

Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should Play Card Games - Great Bridge Links
Card games have been in existence for several years. Nowadays, they range from classic pastimes like poker and solitaire to collectible card games containing numerous different deck types. Their general importance can be easily ignored, but card games hold several crucial sociological benefits for those who play them as illustrated below

Popular Ways To Shuffle Playing Cards

Popular Ways to Shuffle Cards - Gifts for Card Players

Popular Ways To Shuffle Playing Cards

We have all shared that insecure feeling that comes when the dealer position rotates to you during a card game amongst friends. The people in the circle haphazardly push their cards your way and turn to each other to discuss their various levels of luck in the preceding round. While most of the cards are faced down, a few Kings stare at you, demanding to see your shuffling skills.


Discover Who’s Hiding in Plain Sight with Rick and Morty: Total Rickall Card Game

Rick and Morty: Total Rickall - Gifts for Card Players
For fans of the hit adult animated series, Rick and Morty,  the Rick and Morty: Total Rickall Card Game drops you right in the middle of an episode by the same name. You get to experience the Smith family’s gradual unease and suspicion as it becomes apparent that the family has been infiltrated by parasites.

Loved Exploding Kittens but now what?

Exploding Kittens A Card Game
Exploding Kittens has to be one of the most original card games of all time using a non-traditional card deck. It's the perfect crossing point for cat lovers and card players - and if you loved the original Exploding Kittens card game, don't think that the fun ends there.