Sitting won’t kill you

Sitting won't kill you

But movement is still key.

A recent 16 year study of 3720 men and 1412 women published in the International Journal of Epidemiology concluded that sitting, in any setting, does not increase the risk of an early death.


What to offer guests at your next card party

Great snacks for the card table - poker or bridge parties
Once upon a time a friend invited a group of us over for an evening of poker. We were all to bring snacks and money and drinks of choice. One woman thought it would be a great idea to bring a chocolate fountain.

Will Kickstarter and New Tech Change Playing Card Design?

Kickstarter and New Tech Change Playing Card Design - Gifts for Card Players
Through crowdfunding the public now has the power to turn proposed projects and products into reality by collectively funding them. From books to businesses, the range of active campaigns is wide indeed, but one particular category of items appears to be a favorite in the crowdfunding market: playing cards.

A Deck for Everything

Lovecraft Card Box - Gifts for Card Players
Breaking out a themed deck for a game of bridge, poker or blackjack can be a lot of fun, and many players turn into card collectors. Here are some of our coolest and weirdest picks for themed card decks.

Remember when you played bridge for fun?

Party Bridge - Gifts for Card Players

Remember when you played bridge for fun?

Time for some party bridge!

By Alex J. Coyne © Gifts for Card Players

The game of bridge has always been a social one, and the same is true for most card games. If you’ve ever attended a bridge party at a house or club and loved it, why not consider calling up some of the other bridge players in your neighborhood and arranging your own?


The Archaeology of Cards: Why we Play with Hearts

Playing Cards - Gifts for Card Players

The Archaeology of Cards: Why we Play with Hearts

It’s a rare person that can’t identify the four suits on a standard deck of cards. The hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs are inseparable from the modern casino experience, defining the gameplay and rules of games as varied as poker, solitaire, and blackjack. But what do they mean? Are they the relics of a lost culture, their purpose lost to time, or are they just nice but ultimately meaningless little pictures?


Card Regulations 101

Playing Card Heart Family
So, just what is a regulation style playing card deck? Have you ever played a game with a deck of Spanish playing cards? Quick! What are the card hand values in poker? Check out some of our facts about standard playing card regulations and various card games for the answers.

Everything Cards: Gifts for Xmas

Card gifts for Christmas

Everything Cards: Gifts for Xmas

By Alex J. Coyne

Gift-time is coming up, and what do you get the card player who has everything? Well, more things for their games room, of course – it’s impossible that they could have everything… Check out some gift ideas here.

Decks and Things

Magnetic Playing Cards

According to the site,


Quick Guide to 9 Great Card Flicks

Grand Slam Lobby Card
If you love both cards and movies, what's better than movies about card games? Here are some classics that you should add to your next games night. How many more can you come up with?

What My Husband and I Learned Playing Old Maid

Children's card games

by Margie Pignataro, for Gifts for Card Players © 2016

My husband and I decided not to buy each other expensive presents for our birthdays, but I wanted to get him something, some little thing that would ease his work stress. So I went to Target and hit the party supply aisle. (For my fortieth birthday I had a My Little Pony party. And, yes, I do have a My Little Pony deck of cards.) I bought him a Star Wars birthday banner,


Five Reasons Your Children Should Play Cards

Kids Love Cards - play with your kids

Five Reasons Your Children Should Play Cards

Looking for the next fun activity for your kids this summer? Shuffle up a deck of cards!

One of the oldest, most traditional pastime activities, card games can bring your children tremendous benefits through developing basic life skills. It’s a great way to spend family time together and also learn more about each other. Try a competitive round of Crazy Eights to find out!


Is Brain Fog affecting Your Game?

Waitress Serving Food To Senior Couple In Restaurant during a bridge tournament

How to eat healthy at your next bridge tournament

So, you’re headed to your next bridge tournament. You hit your hotel where you will be staying for the next ten days, and remember that to keep your expenses down, you didn’t opt for the full kitchen room but instead have the mini fridge and coffee maker combo. And you’re hungry. What do you do for dinner and did you remember to pack snacks?
