Many professional magicians consider magic kits corny, but they can still remember their first one! If you buy the right kit, it can be a great inspiration for a young card player or magician. We spoke to The Magic Shop about all things magic and checked out some of the kits on the market.
Oregon Trail – Card Game Review
This card game is an enjoyably frustrating reimagining of the Oregon Trail computer game where players work together to move along the trail, fording rivers and playing Supply Cards to overcome calamities.
Duelling Nexus: Yu-Gi-Oh’s Duel Monsters Online
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters is one of the most popular trading card games of all time - but did you know you can now play online? So much fun! Here's our review.
Risk Legacy: For Seasoned Risk Players Looking For Something New
"Risk: Legacy was one of the best designed board games we have ever had the pleasure of playing together." Love the game of Risk but are tired of playing it? Well we're sure Risk: Legacy will bring you back on board.
Disturb the Peace with Anomia
Anomia is a hilariously fun card game for family games nights or your buddy's place on the weekend. Check out our review here.
Is it real? or is it play …
Online poker sites offer games for two kinds of stakes: real money and play money.
Bananagrams Take Two
Before Bananagrams came another game called Take Two. If you love Scrabble but hate waiting, then Bananagrams and Take Two are the games for you! Here's our 'how to'.
Learn How to Shuffle a Deck, It Can Give You the Upper Hand
Style and skill go hand in when playing any card game. Looking like you know what you’re doing is part and parcel of every card game. So learning some new shuffling tips and tricks will give your opponents the idea that you’re a whizz at whatever you’re playing.
I’ll see you, I’ll call you, I’ll raise you and Other Songs About Poker
Song writers and performers have an affinity with poker. Here are some songs you might want to search out.
Wasabi: The Competition Game That Makes You Hungry
Test your sushi-making skills in a lightning fast game of Wasabi with up to 3 friends and I’ll bet it’ll make you hungry. Read on for full review!
Codenames Board Game: Clean, Simple, Strategic
Released in 2015, this board game has quickly become a titan. With minimal pieces and rules, Codenames is quick to learn and mentally stimulating to play. Read more for full review.
Back to Basics with Battle Chess
Battle Chess is a classic. Here's a bit about it's history and influence on gaming.
Top 6 Places to Play Poker in Dublin
Dublin is far from being the poker capital of the world. If you expect to see the pompous casinos like in Vegas there, forget about it. Dublin is another kind of chic. Here's our top 6 places to play.
5 Characteristics All The Best Crib Players Share
What does it really mean at the end of the day to be a “great crib player” or “one of the best”? If you’ve played much cribbage, you know the top players come in all shapes and sizes.
The Best of Reproduction Decks
Love playing cards? Looking for gifts? Here's a list of some unique options for your favourite card collector!
Funemployed: Finding Your Dream Job Has Never Been So Hilarious
Funemployed is the hilarious and irreverent party game for adults that forces you to think on your feet! Make job hunting fun again and stretch your creative storytelling muscles with some of the wackiest job qualifications you’ve ever heard of.
Zombies, pirates, wizards, killer robots: 4 reasons why you need to play Smash Up.
Have you ever imagined what it might be like to control a horde of zombies or a ruthless crew of pirates? How about both together? This is something that the game Smash Up can offer, the chance to combine two factions of monsters, whether that be alien invaders and ninjas or wizards and killer robots.
Bioshock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia Where Tactical Strategy Wins Every Night
As a long-time avid video gamer, I excitedly played through each story in the Bioshock series, marveling at the combination of detailed architecture, frightening characters and creepy ambience. Years later, I was blown away to be given the Bioshock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia board game through a Reddit gifts exchange.
Tsuro – The Game of the Path Review
Tsuro blends its beautiful artwork and simplicity into the perfect addition to any game night.
Counterfeit Cards: The Business of Trading Card Fakes
Trading cards are a serious business, pulling in billions of dollars each year in revenue. As one would expect, counterfeiting is a real issue. Here’s what you should know about the business of counterfeiting cards, and what we learned tracking some down for ourselves.
Trick Card Decks & Where to Find Them
Over the years, I’ve developed a deep-rooted fine love for card and coin tricks; those are two things I’m almost never without – when killing time waiting for a taxi to pass, while waiting for an important e-mail to come in or while in conversation on the phone for a radio interview, my hands are usually busy with a coin palm or a card flip.
Looking at Antique and Vintage Card Decks
Guitarists call the phenomenon GAS, short for Gear Acquisition Syndrome: One can never have too many guitars – or in our case, card decks. When last did you buy ‘just one more’ for the collection? We took a look at some really cool vintage and antique card decks and where you can go to find them.
Cribbage Brings Folks Together
New writer Catherine Tansey tells us about her travels and about how one particular game helped her get in with the locals.
Machi Koro: The Perfect Game to Kick-off a regular Family Games Night
Sitting down for your first family games night can be intimidating, but there’s no better way to kick off a games night tradition than by working together to learn the rules to this quick, straightforward, and inclusive card game. To avoid game-store confusion and mid-game stress, we’re going to be running a series of blog posts reviewing and talking about card and board games. And we’ve got a really fun game to get things going.