Trading Card Game Starter Kits

Trading Card Game Starter Kits - Gifts for Card Players
A hardcore obsession with trading card games has to start somewhere, and for most people this starting point is called the starter deck. Need one? Here's a few places to start your search.

5 Ways To Be a Responsible Online Casino Player

5 Ways To Be a Responsible Online Casino Player
We've all heard about gambling addiction and online casino games are as addicting as any other. However, if you play responsibly and pay attention to your habits, you can hopefully avoid getting into trouble with your online entertainment. Bеlоw аrе ѕоmе tips for responsible online casino play

The Book of Ra Deluxe

The Book of Ra Deluxe
It went lost for centuries. Even so, it was never forgotten, and thus, its reappearance would trigger much excitement among explorers. The resurfacing of the mysterious book tickled brave players and explorers to attempt unfolding its treasures as well as secrets. The resurfacing of the Book of Ra Deluxe takes explorers and archeologists to the forbidden tombs of the Egyptian kings.

Going Down Memory Lane With 1313 Dead End Drive

1313 Dead End Drive Board Game Review - Gifts for Card Players
13 Dead End Drive is a fun, deduction-style murder mystery game that will give you the challenge of learning how to bluff convincingly. You have to be careful how you reveal the cards you have, otherwise, you could fall into a trap! Read our review here.

Football Betting Strategy – Tips on How to Win In Sports Betting

Football Betting Strategy - Tips on How to Win In Sports Betting

Football Betting Strategy – Tips on How to Win In Sports Betting

Sроrtѕ betting іѕ оnе wау tо enjoy thе game аnd earn еxtrа mоnеу аѕ wеll. And whіlе thіѕ іѕ a gamble аnd wіnnіng іѕ juѕt bу сhаnсе, there are wауs tо enjoy уоur favorite sports аnd mаkе thе bаttlе mоrе exciting. Here are some іmроrtаnt tірѕ уоu might want tо lеаrn еvеn bеfоrе уоu рut уоur money іn thеѕе games.


What you ought to know about Bingo Game

What you ought to know about Bingo Game
According to researchers, playing bingo offers multiple health benefits like improving memory, promoting socialization, and much more. If you're new to the game here's some interesting info.

Ditch The Screens: 5 Key Benefits To Playing Games With Your Kids  

Play games with your kids - ditch the screens
It’d be so easy to bring out the iPads and let everyone entertain themselves. But, here are five great reasons to ditch the screens and opt for a game instead.

Brush Up on Your Detective Skills And Solve the Chronicles of Crime

Chronicles of Crime Board Game - Gifts for Card Players
If you’re a police procedural fan and love solving mysteries, check out Chronicles of Crime. Developed thanks to a Kickstarter campaign, this game combines co-operative crime scene investigation with an app, a board game and some virtual reality, for good measure.

Building Your Own Spice Trade Route with Century: Spice Road

Century: Spice Road Game Review - Gifts for Card Players
Have you had the chance to explore any games that focus specifically on deck building? On a recent trip to try out some new board games, this one caught our reviewer's eye. Into olden age of piracy? Check this review out.

Weird Board Game Commercials

Weird Board Game Commercials - Gifts for Card Players
Board games are cool - but sometimes their TV commercials are even cooler. Or weirder. And you know how those commercials just kind of stick in your head forever? While were feeling reminiscent, here's a few that come to mind - with links!

Hand-Crafted Board Games and Where to Find Them

Hand-crafted Board Games - Gifts for Card Players
Board games make for excellent gifts whether you’re buying them for yourself or your mother-in-law – and if you want to get something special that can be treasured for a long time, take a look at these hand-crafted board games made with love. True art! We’ve saved you some time and collected some of the most gorgeous ones we could find in this handy list.

Bridge History: The Hammond Electric Bridge Table

Hammond Electric Bridge Table - Gifts for Card Players
We love things made by companies that are usually known for making other things. One example relevant to bridge is the Hammond Electric Bridge Table, made by the Hammond Clock Company.

Relive Your Childhood Fears with Are You Afraid of the Dark

Are you Afraid of the Dark Board Game Review - Gifts for Card Players
I always wanted to be a member of the Midnight Society and meet with a group of friends in the woods and tell great stories. So, you can imagine my excitement  when I discovered there was an Are You Afraid of the Dark board game. It’s turned out to be one of the top nostalgic favorites in my board game library. Review here!

Exploring Magic Kits

Magic Kits - Gifts for Card Players
Many professional magicians consider magic kits corny, but they can still remember their first one! If you buy the right kit, it can be a great inspiration for a young card player or magician. We spoke to The Magic Shop about all things magic and checked out some of the kits on the market.

Learn How to Shuffle a Deck, It Can Give You the Upper Hand

Learn How to Shuffle a Deck, It Can Give You the Upper Hand - Great Bridge Links
Style and skill go hand in when playing any card game. Looking like you know what you’re doing is part and parcel of every card game. So learning some new shuffling tips and tricks will give your opponents the idea that you’re a whizz at whatever you’re playing.