Gift Ideas for Poker Fans in 2020

Gift Ideas for Poker Fans in 2020 - Gifts for Card Players
Buying presents, even for close family is never easy and you want to try and get something you know they are going to love. The best advice is to try and focus on something you know they enjoy, such as a hobby. For those who play or watch poker, there are some great products available. Let's take a look at some of the gift ideas for poker fans in 2020.

Here is how the Gambling Industry is responding to the Effects of COVID-19 

Here is how the Gambling Industry is responding to the Effects of COVID-19 - Gifts for Card Players

Here is how the Gambling Industry is responding to the Effects of COVID-19 

The effects of COVID-19 on sports betting led to cancellations of national leagues and major sporting events around the globe. Some Olympics are postponed indefinitely, and some leagues delayed until 2021. The betting industry is facing unprecedented challenges, as the spread of Coronavirus continues. No one is certain when national and international sports will usually resume.


History of the Game of Bingo

HIstory of the Game of Bingo - Gifts for Card Players

History of the Game of Bingo

The game of bingo is currently experiencing a serious surge in popularity online. The Covid-19 pandemic has led many casino and sports betting lovers to try online bingo sites for the first time. Early information shows that these savvy players have well and truly seen the light!

With so much currently circulating around bingo as a game, we thought it would be interesting to take a look at the history of the game of bingo and how it led to the bingo sites of today.


Safe Payments in Online Casinos

Safe Payments in Online Casinos - Gifts for Card Players

Safe Payments in Online Casinos

Online casino gaming is a growing trend among the masses nowadays. Millions of people like to play gambling machines at the comfort of their homes with real money getting the fun and thrill of a real casino. With the growing interest of people, scams are also increasing. However, it is hard to tell the difference between a legit website and a scam. Many people have lost their money in these scams.


Guideline to online casino games

Guideline to online casino games - Gifts for Card Players

Guideline to online casino games

Most gamblers always give up playing at online casinos because they never inducted themselves properly into the game. For instance, if you want to walk into a casino today and walk out a millionaire the next hour, you might be in for a rude shock because that is not how it goes. Even professional gamblers take their time to analyze and play Online Baccarat


Top Benefits Of Playing Baccarat At A New Online Casino Revealed!

Top Benefits Of Playing Baccarat At A New Online Casino Revealed - Gifts for Card Players

Top Benefits Of Playing Baccarat At A New Online Casino Revealed!

As time unfolds, there is always a new online casino sprouting. The new casino is still of significant contribution to revenue accrued to both agencies and punters. Time has come; you need to enjoy every piece of the cake when it comes to gambling, from established new casinos. However, if the latter fascinates you, numerous advantages come with it. You ought to get a trustworthy site to get started.


Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should Play Card Games

Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should Play Card Games - Great Bridge Links
Card games have been in existence for several years. Nowadays, they range from classic pastimes like poker and solitaire to collectible card games containing numerous different deck types. Their general importance can be easily ignored, but card games hold several crucial sociological benefits for those who play them as illustrated below

Popular Ways To Shuffle Playing Cards

Popular Ways to Shuffle Cards - Gifts for Card Players

Popular Ways To Shuffle Playing Cards

We have all shared that insecure feeling that comes when the dealer position rotates to you during a card game amongst friends. The people in the circle haphazardly push their cards your way and turn to each other to discuss their various levels of luck in the preceding round. While most of the cards are faced down, a few Kings stare at you, demanding to see your shuffling skills.


Best games you will find easy to play on most online casino sites



Sports betting on the Internet can be an exciting experience for anyone. For anyone who wants to enjoy betting online, then finding the best online casino to bet with is a must; a website that offers several game options to have the best gaming experience. Several players will enjoy playing online and here are a couple of games that players will enjoy playing at Judi casino online.


Here Are Top 4 Benefits You Will Enjoy By Using Alternative Links in Online Casino

Here Are Top 4 Benefits You Will Enjoy By Using Alternative Links in Online Casino - Gifts for Card Players

Here Are Top 4 Benefits You Will Enjoy By Using Alternative Links in Online Casino

Most of the time, you get motivated to play in an online casino, but when you get to the leading website, you find it is experiencing some errors or technical glitch. It becomes so frustrating and quite saddening. However, most online casinos have their clients’ interests at heart. It is, for this reason, there is an introduction to alternative links.


5 Surprising Ordinary Reasons Why Online Casinos Have Gained Popularity

Over the years, online casino gaming has gained popularity. Are you yet to engage games across the internet? Do you wonder why they are so popular among young stars and the elderly? Here are some surprising ordinary reasons why people engage in online gambling.

Great Tips on How to Play and Win More at Online Casinos

Great Tips on How to Play and Win More at Online Casinos - Gifts for Card Player
If you are an enthusiast of online casinos, then you most probably have your sights set on playing slots. While a lot of folks claim to have a couple of do's and don'ts for playing these games, they always disappoint, as if it's a given.

7 Latest Technologies in Online Gambling

7 Latest Technologies in Online Gambling - Gifts for Card Players
Online casinos have been around since 1997. The industry is booming, and with it, there have been upgrades to how casinos are operated. The need to update the different casinos is always apparent.

Five amazing board games you may not be aware of

A good number of board games exist such as Chess and Go which were very popular in the past, including Cluedo and Ludo, to modern ones like Monopoly and Scrabble. There has been a rise in the popularity of gaming in recent times.  Regardless, there is a need for gamers to be abreast with recent developments in the industry with regards to the launch of more games. Therefore, we've come up with a list of some of the best games that folks can get their hands on.

Discover Who’s Hiding in Plain Sight with Rick and Morty: Total Rickall Card Game

Rick and Morty: Total Rickall - Gifts for Card Players
For fans of the hit adult animated series, Rick and Morty,  the Rick and Morty: Total Rickall Card Game drops you right in the middle of an episode by the same name. You get to experience the Smith family’s gradual unease and suspicion as it becomes apparent that the family has been infiltrated by parasites.

Bits & Bobs: Replacement Parts for Board Games

Board Game Pieces Replacement Parts - Gifts for Card Players
Board game bits get lost all the time, and we have a feeling that they might end up in the same place as lost socks. Sometimes you buy a pre-owned board game with some pieces missing, other times they just get lost over several hundred games and places. Great Bridge Links and Alex took a closer look at where and how to source replacement parts for board games.

Loved Exploding Kittens but now what?

Exploding Kittens A Card Game
Exploding Kittens has to be one of the most original card games of all time using a non-traditional card deck. It's the perfect crossing point for cat lovers and card players - and if you loved the original Exploding Kittens card game, don't think that the fun ends there.

Best Prepaid Cards for Online Casinos

Best Prepaid Cards for Online Casinos - Gifts for Card Players

Best Prepaid Cards for Online Casinos

Prepaid cards have always been a popular payment method on the largest brick-and-mortar casinos in the world, and now they are becoming the norm for online gamblers as well.

But how can you know the best prepaid cards that work with online casinos? 

Each type has advantages and disadvantages, so you must take the most consideration before choosing one.


How to Invent Your Own Card Game

How to Invent Your Own Card Game - Gifts for Card Players
If you are a fan of card games, you've probably wondered if there are any new card games worth playing. Did you know there are whole communities of people who invent their own, and many can be found online?

Theory11, JJ Abrams and the Mystery Puzzle Box

JJ Abrams Puzzle Box - Gifts or Card Players
Puzzle boxes are a pretty good metaphor for human curiosity: We all want to know, what's in the box? We can't help but look as a stop to our curious nature - and it'll usually bother us until we know. Overall, puzzle boxes can be a lot of fun. So much so that film director JJ Abrams collaborated with one of the world's largest playing card manufacturers to bring the JJ Abrams Mystery Box to life. Check it out.

The New World of Long-Distance Game-play

Long Distance Game-play - Gifts for Card Players
One of the biggest advantages of card and board games is the social aspect. But this highlights an interesting issue: in the modern era it's much more common for people to move away and live apart from their families, so playing in person happens rarely. Using modern solutions however, this separation can be a thing if the past.