The Book of Ra Deluxe

The Book of Ra Deluxe
It went lost for centuries. Even so, it was never forgotten, and thus, its reappearance would trigger much excitement among explorers. The resurfacing of the mysterious book tickled brave players and explorers to attempt unfolding its treasures as well as secrets. The resurfacing of the Book of Ra Deluxe takes explorers and archeologists to the forbidden tombs of the Egyptian kings.

Football Betting Strategy – Tips on How to Win In Sports Betting

Football Betting Strategy - Tips on How to Win In Sports Betting

Football Betting Strategy – Tips on How to Win In Sports Betting

Sроrtѕ betting іѕ оnе wау tо enjoy thе game аnd earn еxtrа mоnеу аѕ wеll. And whіlе thіѕ іѕ a gamble аnd wіnnіng іѕ juѕt bу сhаnсе, there are wауs tо enjoy уоur favorite sports аnd mаkе thе bаttlе mоrе exciting. Here are some іmроrtаnt tірѕ уоu might want tо lеаrn еvеn bеfоrе уоu рut уоur money іn thеѕе games.


What you ought to know about Bingo Game

What you ought to know about Bingo Game
According to researchers, playing bingo offers multiple health benefits like improving memory, promoting socialization, and much more. If you're new to the game here's some interesting info.

Top 6 Places to Play Poker in Dublin

Best Places to Play Poker in Dublin - Gifts for Card Players
Dublin is far from being the poker capital of the world. If you expect to see the pompous casinos like in Vegas there, forget about it. Dublin is another kind of chic. Here's our top 6 places to play.

Funemployed: Finding Your Dream Job Has Never Been So Hilarious

Funemployed is the hilarious and irreverent party game for adults that forces you to think on your feet! Make job hunting fun again and stretch your creative storytelling muscles with some of the wackiest job qualifications you’ve ever heard of.

Six Don’ts For Beginners to Improve Their Poker Performance

Don't for Poker Players - Gifts for Card Players
If you have just started playing poker, it is natural that you would want to learn some tricks to become a better player. Here is a list of six important “don’ts” which should be followed by beginners to boost their poker performance and earnings.

Life Lessons Learned in Baccarat

Life Lessons in Card Games - Gifts for Card Players
When you talk to anyone that gambles, everyone wants to talk about their greatest triumphs. This isn’t one of those stories. This is the worst defeat I was ever handed at the casino and the life lesson I gained from it.

Crazy Craps

Crazy Craps - Gifts for Card Players
It was a Saturday night at the local tribal casino and I was shooting dice for about 5 minutes when a middle aged gentlemen stumbled towards our table; slightly intoxicated from a night of drinking, very winded due to the financial loss he had suffered at the Spanish 21 table nearby

The Top Online Casino Games 2018

Top online casino games in 2018
The online gambling business has come a long way since it was established back in 1994 and has made this leisure activity easier to engage in for both casinos and players alike. Here are the top online games for 2018.

Blacklisted at Blackjack: Things to Avoid at the Table

Blacklisted at Blackjack: Things to Avoid at the Table
The game of blackjack has rules like any other card game, but it’s wise to remember that these rules aren’t limited just to what cards should be played and how. The rules of card playing also include card table etiquette, or what you can and can’t do at the table, and overstepping the line will usually get you booted from the table – or in extreme cases, banned from the casino entirely.

5 Amazing World Records for Casino Buffs

5 amazing world casino records - Gifts for Card Players
World Records. We all love 'em. And so of course there are people out there pursuing casino-related records. What a wonderful world! Alex gives us 5 of his favourites -

A Complete History of Bingo

The history of bingo - gifts for card players

A Complete History of Bingo

By Alex J. Coyne © 2018 Gifts for Card Players

Bingo is a game of chance popular with more than an estimated 300 million people all over the world, with more and more people taking to the game in the past ten years; we can almost bet money on the fact that there’s likely to be some or other form of bingo club near where you live – even if you live out in what you consider to be the middle of nowhere.


Checking Out Hot New Casino Start-ups Around the Globe

Checking Out Hot New Casino Start-ups Around the Globe
With new casinos popping up around the world on a weekly basis, it's sometimes hard to keep up. So here are three of our picks for new online casinos you won't want to miss.

Quick Guide to Casino Lotteries

casino lottery - Gifts for Card Players

Quick Guide to Casino Lotteries

By Alex J. Coyne @2018 Gift for Card Players

Why are casino lotteries so popular? We know that lotteries bring in millions upon millions in revenue – and some lotteries have millions in jackpots. Are you a regular lottery player? We’ve taken a closer look at the growing popularity of casino lotteries and just why people love it so much.

What is a Casino Lottery?


Under Tech & Key: Exploring Casino Security

Casino Security - Gifts for Card Players
Alex takes a look at the inner-workings of casino security behind the scenes in modern times. Security tech that would make Maxwell Smart drool.

Is you favourite online casino licensed?

Pertinent Online Casino Safety Tips
The popularity of online casinos has exploded over the past few years as more and more people make the switch from conventional casinos to online alternatives. This is not a coincidence as there are dozens of perks associated with playing online. However, it is important to understand that online casinos come with some risks and you need to learn how to protect yourself when gambling online.